Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Kings Buffet - Sudbury, Ontario


What a wonderful evening at the Kings Buffet in Sudbury. This place just keeps on getting better and better.

It was a cool and rainy October evening when we arrived at Kings Buffet.

Several times prior, we had been here and we absolutely love the food.

The decor is not anything special being more modern than anything. The chairs are alright but not designed for long-term seating and there seem to be a lot of people shoved into the available space.

But the food - it just keeps on improving. Enough variety to satisfy most tastes. Everything from Roast Beef to Sushi with all the normal "chinese" food that you would find in any similar restaurant. So many things to sample. They even had some pizza. Unbelievable.

Our reservations were for 8 people at 5:00 pm on a Wednesday and we were wise to make them since the place rapidly filled up.

Our waitress, though friendly, seemed to be over-worked. She made it to our table enough times to satisfy our needs but was always in a hurry. We never felt rushed ourselves so it was of little consequence.

At the inner doors to the restaurant, there is an ominous sign posted which reads WE HAVE CAMERAS - IF YOU LEAVE WITHOUT PAYING YOUR PHOTO WILL BE POSTED ON THE WALL. Of course, when we left, we perused the wall but saw no photos there. Either Sudbury is full of honest people or the sign really works.

Our count was 3 Seniors, 3 Adults, 1 child and 1 toddler for a total of 8 persons. With 1 alcoholic drink our bill came to $146.03 (before tip).

A great place to eat at a reasonable price - recommended

Nicely sponsored by Sonic Northern - check out their new Recording Studio section on the website

I also found this very interesting blog written by a Canadian University Exchange Student in Japan (also my cousin once removed) Kristin in Japan

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