Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Harvey's Restaurant

It was snowing as we arrived at Harvey's Restaurant on Regent Street. The wind in our faces felt cold in spite of the relatively warm temperature of -2ºc.

We were happy even with the cold wind since we could feel the snow slowly leaving this part of the world. It is still three weeks to Spring, but already the weather is feeling warmer each day.

Harvey's is a staple here in Sudbury - much like the other fast food restaurants but with a little more class.

Our happy mood spilled over into our eating style as one tried onion "ear rings" and another played with a pickle.

There were few other people when we arrived but several were in the drive-through. Our order-taker was new at the job and having difficulty with our meal choices but she gamely got everything down - and correctly too. It must be difficult serving us as we sometimes change our minds during our order.

Shortly after we chose our meals, several more people arrived making the place quite lively with their chatter.

Our burgers, fries, poutine and all were quick to arrive on our trays as we sat at a smallish table to enjoy our repast.

All agreed that they enjoyed what they had ordered and had enough to eat - well almost - since the Dairy Queen is conveniently next door, we headed there right after our meals to enjoy a sweet dessert.

At a total of $31.32 including all taxes, it was a very reasonable deal.

Cheerfully sponsored by Sonic Northern

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Guylaine's Cafe 2009 Long Lake Road

It was a warm evening when we arrived at Guylaine's Cafe. The temperature had soared during this day to a balmy +4 degrees. Nice after a week of bone-chilling -30's.

Guylaine's Cafe was a bit difficult to find and I was happy that I had called for directions prior to our visit. I had seen that the address was 2009 Long Lake road but all I could picture was the medical building beside Shoppers Drug Mart.

My call cleared up the dilemma. It was located at the back of the Medical building, just where I thought there was nothing but offices.

One of us knew the owner from previously and we were introduced to Guylaine and her husband upon our arrival.

We sat in smallish (for me) chairs surrounding our table.

There were a lot of figurines and other pieces of pottery on display in one corner. The place was spotless and we were pleasantly served by Guylaine herself.

There were many items on the menu with almost half of them being of the "all day breakfast" variety.

One of our members having been here before suggested a large bowl of poutine as an appetizer, and upon its arrival, we immediately dug in. It was the best poutine I had tasted in a long time.

Our meals came soon after we ordered. They were quite good but more of the "diner" style.

After eating, we decided on a dessert to take out. Of course we all ordered Guylaine's famous bread pudding which we had heard of before.

A decent meal with not too much atmosphere at a price of $78.91 before tip.

Cheerfully sponsored by Sonic Northern