Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Golded Pizza

It was an evening of snow mixed with rain with a temperature near zero as we pulled into Golded Pizza on Kathleen Street.

Another Wednesday and another restaurant in Sudbury for the gallant restauranteurs.

Tonight we were joined by my second son and grandson as we tried our luck at Golded Pizza.

I was reminded that we had eaten there once before, approximately 7 years ago, but I did not really remember it. Old-Timers disease is catching up to me.

The driving was not good so it was no surprise that the restaurant was half-empty at 5:30 in the afternoon. That was fine with us as it allowed us the choice of table.

We quickly located a large one and proceeded to look at the the menu. As we were waiting for the last two members to arrive, we ordered an appetizer called "krazy krust". As explained by the waitress - they were pieces of left-over pizza crust that were coated with cheese and then baked in the oven. They were actually very tasty.

Once we made up our minds on what to order (there were many items which looked good) our attentive waitress took our choices to the kitchen and we were soon eating away.

Our waitress (we could only see one) was pleasant and attentive in spite of being a few months pregnant. She looked after ourselves plus several other customers in a timely fashion.

I noticed that some of the tables were fashioned from old sewing-machine treadles with the treadle still attached. Very unique.

We were all pleasantly surprised by our meals (see the results) and ate heartily. Even the little guy finished his buttered pasta very quickly.

After the meal, the two younger ones found a play table and spent some time there.

A total cost of $83.92 (with 2 alcoholic drinks, before tip) for four adults and two children seemed quite reasonable.

A very pleasant evening - recommended.

sponsored by Sonic Northern

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Envy Tapas and Lounge

The first real snowfall of Autumn greeted us as we arrived at Envy Tapas and Lounge on Shaunessy Street during the early evening of Wednesday, November 19, 2008.

We were a bit out of order but we had tried two weeks ago to get a reservation at Envy Tapas to no avail. This week I called much earlier in order to make arrangements for the four of us to dine there.

Envy Tapas is a unique restaurant in Sudbury. It is a "one price" menu at a cost of $33.95 per person (drinks extra).

For that $33.95 you get a choice of eight items (including desserts). That is half the fun - deciding what you will eat.

Don't sweat it though, because you are given a choice of 3 items to start (one at a time of course). After the first three items, the waitress will return to inquire as to your next three choices. After that, the final two (good luck - I couldn't finish mine).

It was not a busy time for the restaurant while we were there so we had a lot of time to choose our meals. The concept was a little difficult but if you look at the photo of my salad - that will give you an idea of the size of each plate.

Our decisions made, we all ordered our first set of three dishes.

Our waitress was excedingly friendly and helpful, suggesting a few different dishes and discussing how they were prepared.

The meal began with warm buns, followed by the first plate of the meal. Mine was the mixed salad, while others made different choices.

With excellent service, the evening went by quite quickly even though we spent almost two hours enjoying our whole dinner. That was the longest time we have ever spent in one restaurant so far. The entertainment value has to be calculated into the final price.

The cost was a little on the high side running at $164.56 before tip.

All in all it was an impressive meal and it was good fun as well as tasting quite delicious. As one of our party put it "this is not a meal but an experience" - well said.


sponsored by Sonic Northern

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Gloria's Restaurant

After an amazingly warm day for early November, we arrived at Gloria's Restaurant on Regent Street in Sudbury.

With the time change, the evening came quickly as it was already starting to get dark at 5:30 in the afternoon.

We always enjoy our trips to Gloria's Restaurant. It has been on our "personal favourite's list" for years.

The food is generally decent for the price and the staff is usually very friendly. Tonight was no exception.

Our meals were very tasty and we enjoyed our friendly waitress. Service was quick and the staff was attentive. I believe I got asked at least three times if I wanted more coffee (I finally relented).

Everyone enjoyed their food although the price was a little high at $65.67. All in all though it was a nice evening out.

I would recommend this restaurant to anyone.

sponsored by Sonic Northern

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Eddie's Restaurant

The day began cold and snowy. I had to scrape the caked on snow from the windshield, side windows and rear window before going to work this morning.

The afternoon brought some sunshine but the cold winds continued from the North making the city very cold for the first time since last winter.

We journied forth to Eddie's Restaurant in the sun and cold, cold wind.

Of course, Eddie's has been a staple in Sudbury for many years and we were all familiar with the "greasy spoon" sports-bar diner that served up great tasting meals and large portions - just what we were looking for on such an evening.

We all quickly decided on our meal choices and we were not disappointed. In spite of the annoying CMT music channel in the background, we were pretty happy in our smallish, rather uncomfortable booth.

I suppose the photos of all the sports teams on the wall and the fact that we had a friendly waitress added to the atmosphere.

I know from experience just how expensive sponsoring local teams can be and by the looks of it, Eddie's has supported many in Sudbury.

Our meals were of decent quality and the portions more than ample.

The four of us dined for $48.80 (no alcohol) before tip.

A good meal, decent environment, uncomfortable wooden seating and friendly service.

Recommended for the food and service, but not for a lengthy sitting.

sponsored by Sonic Northern

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

East Side Mario's (Algonquin)

A rainy Wednesday evening greeted us at East Side Mario's Restaurant on Algonquin Road.

The maitre'd asked if we wanted to be sat at a table or a booth. I answered a booth since to me it sounds more friendly. Then he said he had to check if one was available. One of the women asked me why he would give us that option if he didn't know they were both available? I did not have the answer to that one.

Shortly he was back and showed us to our small but comfy booth.

The waitress was excellent, returning several times as we all had trouble deciding.

Once our order was given, the food quickly arrived and we were all happy with our individual choice.

Personally I found the sauce on the spaghetti to be a bit too sweet for my tastes but acceptable. Perhaps my trips to the Caruso Club have influenced me in this regard.

Unfortunately I forgot the ratings slips so you will just have to take my opinion that the food was very good and the quantities adequate.

Service was excellent and the bill was a reasonable $75.29 before taxes with one alcoholic drink included.

sponsored by

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Deluxe Hamburgers

Long a staple in Sudbury, the Deluxe Hamburger chain serves many hungry customers.

Tonight it was our turn.

Not having been to Deluxe for many years I was looking forward to their classic "Chicken on a Bun Dinner", which is exactly what we all ordered.

The youngest had a chocolate milkshake and one had a vanilla milkshake. The other two of us had diet coke.

Our meals were somewhat as I remembered with sliced white meat chicken smothered in that (similar to Swiss Chalet) sauce on the chicken placed on a warm hamburger bun.

There was also a separate container filled with the sauce for dipping, a small container of cole slaw and a slew of french fries with the order.

The total bill for four of us came to $45.83

Unfortunately we forgot our menu comment slips this time.

Cheerfully sponsored by Sonic Northern - check out their new Recording Studio section on the website

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Don Cherry's Restaurant

New name, new restaurant - now the M.I.C. (Made In Canada)

It was a beautiful sunny evening when we arrived at Don Cherry's Restaurant. Although there were thunderstorms and rainshowers throughout the day, the evening was perfect.

We had all been here several times before and all of us liked the food, atmosphere and service from this restaurant over the years it has been open in Sudbury.

Tonight (Wednesday, August 13 2008) it was surprisingly busy since Sudbury seems to have shut down for the summer months. However the service was excellent and the food was delivered in good time in spite of the larger crowd.

The total meal cost a resonable $72.61 for the four of us with one cocktail.

Everyone enjoyed their meal and we even had some extra to take home.

A pleasant evening at a reasonable price.


Friday, August 1, 2008


I was a little hesitant to go to this restaurant, mainly because of its location in the front section of the Rainbow Center. Not that the location was poor or anything like that, it is just that I often see undesirable types hanging around outside of this restaurant. Mind you, it might just be all in my imagination since I have never witnessed a problem here.

It was on our list regardless and so we ended up at this restaurant.

Our choice was easy - "dinner for four" and after a little hesitation at the order counter (they usually only provide this dinner for take-out) they said to sit down and they would bring it to our table.

We ordered our drinks (canned pop) and sat at the table. Within seconds the order began to arrive. I thought that it wasn't too bad but not so much variety as pork ribs, bar-b-qued chicken wings, fried rice and a broccoli and mistery meat dish was brought to our table.

I started on the meal, and then to my surprise the rest of it showed up - namely Chicken Balls, egg rolls (4) and of course - the ever present fortune cookies.

The staff was very friendly and accomodating.

The food was typical chinese but a little better than the usual. I thouroughly enjoyed the meal and at $42.75 it was about half the price of eating at most other chinese restaurants.

Oh yeah - there was lots so we took the rest home to enjoy at our leisure.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Caruso Club's Ristorante Enrico

A meal at the Caruso Club's Ristorante Enrico has always been a favourite of mine.

My father, before his passing, often asked me to stop by here to pick up pasta and meatalls for a Sunday dinner. It has been a family tradition for years.

At first, I thought I had made a mistake in choosing this place since the sign outside the door said "Ristorante Enrico" and we were still in the "C" section of the yellow pages. Thankfully, the bill read "Caruso Club's Ristorante Enrico" so I was happy.

It was a buffet supper so we could choose our meal and portion size. The buffet was limited in choices but the food was prepared so very well it is hard to explain.

The chicken is always superb here, as is the pasta and the meatballs.

All we could eat for $52.00 for 4 people (no alcohol).

Our waitress was polite and attentive, even though it was buffet style.

We all came home feeling very full.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Cranky Joe's Roadhouse

On a Wednesday evening just after Canada Day 2008 we arrived at Cranky Joe's Roadhouse on Notre Dame Avenue.

Customers were sparse at this hour (5:15 pm) but more arrived shortly after we were seated at a table by a window.

The chairs were small and hard but comfortable enough for a meal.

Our cheerful waitress was at our table soon enough and with a big smile welcomed us to the establishment.

We had fun with the menus which were quite stiff and difficult to open at first. We were all suprised at one point or other in finding more choices on a previously undiscovered page.

I decided right away what I wanted having seen the sign "2 4 1" Chicken Wings on Wednesday night.

My wings were very meaty being the largest I have ever had in Sudbury. The chicken was not at all tough which surprised me for the size of the wings. So much meat in each bite!

The girls were happy with their choices of meals and found the portions to be quite generous. We all shared, yet had enough left over to take home.

Our waitress was very friendly and came to our table often enough to look after us properly.

The bill was a huge surprise being about half what we would normally pay. The total of $49.17 before tax for 3 adults and 1 child was very reasonable.

Highly recommended

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Casey's Restaurant

The temperature was a cool 17°C as we headed to Casey's Restaurant on a windless Wednesday. The clouds had hung low and close all day, threatening rain off and on but with no wind the air felt much warmer than the mercury indicated.

This evening we were graced with the presence of my grandson who is turning four in three weeks. He was accompanied by his father as we took our place in the large restaurant.

It was cavernous and the noise from the diners reflected off the high ceiling carrying to all corners. I have difficulty hearing in noisy environments and this certainly was one.

The decor was sports-bar average with the ubiquitous tv sets on the walls set to an ongoing baseball game.

Our waitress was extremely pleasant and attentive, returning to our table often to see how we were doing. Even though well behaved, two children obviously need a little extra attention now and then.

There was a good assortment of choices on the menu and we had no difficulty in deciding on our meals.

After little discussion we placed our order. The meals arrived quite quickly and were all that we had expected.

Personally I ordered the Cashew Chicken stir fry which was excellent and quite large.

Except for the youngest guy, we downed most of our food indicating satisfaction with our choices.

Our meals were followed by delicious deserts ordered by two of our members and sampled by all.

The total bill was a surprising $141.78 before tip for 4 adults and two children. As I ordered I noted that the meals were reasonably priced and I had to peruse the bill later to discern where the higher costs were incurred.

After some study it seemed that the cost of the little extras added up quickly. For example, the coffee cost $2.29 and a glass of chocolate milk was $3.19. A glass of diet coke for $2.59 and a shot of bailey's a whopping $5.19 but the water was free - ha ha.

All in all a great meal with excellent service. Watch the little extras and you will have a nice time.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Burger King

We came to Burger King on a beautiful Tuesday late afternoon with the sun shining and warm weather.

Our anticipation was a little high having been to many other restaurants lately. We had trouble deciding which Burger King to attend but finally chose the one on Notre Dame because it had a play room for our youngest diner - woops - bad choice - but more on that later.

Our server was very polite but obviously quite new to the job. Seemingly a young student who had trouble taking our order and, once taken, filling that order.

I had to go through the order item by item in order to get our drink cups but we finally got it all correct. To be fair, the girl, while flustered, was very polite through the whole ordeal.

We got our food almost as ordered with only one error - one fry instead of rings, but after the previous hassle we let it ride.

Our youngest diner who recently turned 11, was quite excited at the Indiana Jones toy she got - an invisible pen. She had a lot of fun with it, showing us endless drawings and playing around with the (blacklight?) pen.

Having finished her meal she proceeded to the play room which was her ultimate goal from the beginning. She was quite disappointed since the room had been blocked off in several areas rendering the total play area to less than half its original (already small) size. Within a minute she was out of there.

Next she wanted to use the washroom but the ladies' room was "out of order". I went into the men's and, having found it empty, called her to go in there while I stood guard outside to ward off any unexpected visitors.

She came out and could not get over the fact that the men's room was so much smaller than the girls.

Our votes reflect the poor service and lack of play room facilities.

All in all, we got pretty well what we expected at a reasonable $27.60 for 3 adults and one child.

After the Burger King, we headed to the Dairy Queen for desert. this time we went to the one on Lorne Street. It is smaller than the Kingsway location and no outside seating.

Not a great night for our dining but all things considered (including an earthquake in China, Typhoon in Burma, the high gasoline prices and food prices rising everywhere else) we have a pretty nice life here in Sudbury.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Culpeppers Restaurant and Eatery

Note: Reported as moved - building torn down - now at 1500 Regent Street

Culpeppers has been a part of Sudbury for many years. It has a good reputation for fine food and pleasant dining.

I often wondered if a culpepper was a part of the green pepper family but after googling it, I could only find references to people's names. There is even a person named Pepper Culpepper (just google it)

Tonight we were blessed with a very outgoing and well-informed waitress who looked after us very well.

My g/f and I both ordered the weiner schnizel which was a mistake. It was very thin and very dry - not at all close to anything I had eaten by that name in any other restaurant.

The young one had Chicken Tetrazini and her mother had Lake Trout which was the catch of the day. Both of them enjoyed their meals very much so four orders and two opinions.

The waitress could not do enough for us and kept coming back to see if we needed or wanted something else. All in all she was at our table at least 8 times and perhaps more.

Our meal started with a basket of garlic bread which was very mild tasting. The girls loved it and polished it off in no time.

Unfortunately I forgot our ratings tickets so there are only two ratings to go by.

The menu was quite extensive with a lot of choice.

The decor was very nice, even though all the pictures on the wall seemed to be of dead people.

The other decor, lighting, plastic plants and window dressing was all very pleasant and not at all like a funeral parlour in spite of the dead people pictures.

By dead people, I am referring to the likes of James Dean, Carey Grant and similar past stars.

The total price with one alcoholic drink was a reasonable $87.04 before tip.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Boston Pizza

We visited Boston Pizza tonight.

The weather was fine and the restaurant was very busy even though it was Tuesday night.

It was my first visit here and I found the restaurant to be very noisy. The high metal ceiling played a part in the reflection of sounds throughout the mostly open-concept building.

To me it was pure cacophony but to our young diner, on verge of her eleventh birthday, it was great. A difference in ages and a difference in tastes - ha ha.

Our pretty young waitress was very patient as we tried to decide what we wanted to eat.

After coming back to the table at least three times, we finally gave her our order.

Service was fast but one of us got a meal different from what she ordered. It took a while for the waitress to come back to check on our meals, but once we told her about the improper delivery, she was quick to rectify the error.

The food was good but the portions were a little smaller than what we expected.

Again our waitress gave us good service in collecting our bill and packing the left-overs (one of our diners did not enjoy her meal).

The weather was still fine so after our meal we headed to Dairy Queen to get ourselves a treat. A wonderful ending to a wonderful day:)

Speaking of a wonderful ending - have you checked out Gmail yet? If not, you are missing the best email program on the web. I have been using this program since it was in its testing stage, and I can attest that it is the easiest one to use. Not only that, the people at Google just keep on improving it - check it out -

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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Buzzy Brown's

We had an extra friend with us the night we went to Buzzy Brown's.

I thought we were in trouble when the waitress who greeted us at the door did not know where to seat us. She was obviously new to her job but we were quickly steered in the right direction.

We ended up in the bar area rather than the restaurant only area in order to find a table to accomodate us. It was quite busy there but we were quickly met by our serving waitress who turned out to be very friendly and talkative.

We decided on our meals and ordered. Our youngest companion quickly noticed that people in the bar area were throwing their peanut shells on the floor. We all looked and sure enough that was the common practice in this place.

She thought that this looked disgusting and I also agreed but that was what everyone was doing in the bar. She asked me why everyone was just dropping the shells on the floor but I had no answer for her.

Our meals arrived in due time and we found the food to be very good. The size of the meals was quite ample and we enjoyed our repast.

Our two filipina companions had eaten a late lunch that afternoon so they only ordered appetizers. They both had Margaritas which looked better than they tasted.

Of course the girls are still not taking photos in the rest rooms after the Apollo incident so I took the camera with me to the mens room

There were signs that they were doing renovation which may have accounted for the poor shape of the mens room. At least it had a "motion activated paper towel dispenser" which I really like. No lever to push with my wet hands. Now if they could only manage to change the water taps so that they were motion actived instead of the old style twist thingies then the room would meet with my 100% approval.

When the bill came, I was astounded to find that the total was only $80.01 before tip for five people with two cocktails. That brought a smile to my face.

As we left I grabbed a few peanuts in the shell from a large barrel placed on the floor of the bar. To my surprise they were salty. That was a new one on me. Salty peanuts in the shell.

A nice meal with a great waitress in a fun environment at a reasonable price. Highly recommended.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bridges Restaurant by Brother T's

Our first stop was actually the Beef N Bird on Lorne Street. A venerable hang-out in Sudbury that was next on our list of restaurants. I had eaten here before and the food was very good, but there was a sign at the entrance proclaiming this place to be a "Tavern" with no access by minors. I did not remember that from before so of course with our young girl, we could not go in. We proceeded to the next in line - Bridges.

It was a very pleasant afternoon as we arrived at Bridges Restaurant. We were surprised by the large number of vehicles in the parking lot and had to park on the "other side of the world". As far away from the Restaurant as possible.

Fearing a full restaurant, we entered.

The layout was quite nice and the view, even though in a poor area of town, was still impressive.

The restaurant was quite empty and we asked the waiter why so many vehicles in the lot when the restaurant was practically empty. He explained that there was a convention of sorts being hosted at the hotel which accounted for all of the traffic.

The waiters (we had two) were very friendly and attentive, and after ordering drinks, we went downstairs to the washrooms. Nearby we saw a large buffet laid out with several people enjoying the food downstairs. We joked that we could probably sneak in and enjoy a free meal. Several senarios of us sneaking in "CIA" style arose but in the end we went back to our table upstairs.

A large menu meant a little trouble in deciding what to order.

I asked about the roast beef dip sandwich and was told it was available. I ordered that with fries.

Lelith ordered the Shrimp Au Gratin and Sarah ordered a small Super Stacked Pizza.

Helene ordered an appetizer - French Onion Soup and the Lemon Peppered Pickeral (try saying that three times fast - ha ha).

The waiters were excellent, taking very good care of us. Of course it helped that we were one of only two tables in the restaurant at this time.

The cocktails looked great and Sarah really enjoyed her two "Shirley Temples".

Our food arrived in due time and we did the best we could, but my beef dip sandwich was more like a leather dip sandwich. The beef was very tough and stringy and cut much thicker compared to the thin shaved beef I have had in other similar dishes.

While Lelith's shrimp were tasty, she only recieved six small shrimp in her meal, leaving her hungry afterwards.

Helene enjoyed her Pickerel but she also complained of the small amount of fish in her selection. She did receive an overly-large portion of mashed potatoes though. The hit of the whole meal was the simple French Onion Soup which she shared with her daughter.

Sarah barely touched her Pizza. Not a good sign when someone aged 10 doesn't like Pizza.

Unfortunately I forgot to bring the score sheets so you will have to take my opinion only for this meal.

Oh ya- the girls are still shy about going to the washroom after their experience at Apollo Restaurant, so I took a photo of the men's room.

The men's washroom was very clean and featured paper towels (my favourite).

Overall not that expensive, but the food needed major improvement. Perhaps sneaking into the Buffet downstairs would have been the better choice.

Total cost including two cocktails and two Shirley Temples was on the lower side at *87.49 before tip.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Arby's, February 16, 2008

Today was our turn to go to Arby's.

It has been at least 10 years since I was last here, and I don't remember the food that well.

At that time I just ordered via the drive-thru, but this visit we were planning to sit inside.

There was plenty of snow on the ground this fine February 16th, and the sun was bright. It was still plenty cold being around -11°C but we were a happy crew that day. The only remaining question was if the girls would return to shooting photos in the w/r after their last experience at the Apollo.

We took our time deciding what to have since two of us had not been there before, and I had not been around for a long time.

The menu looked enticing and reminded us of McDonalds but with a little more variety.

The standard "Now hiring full and part time" sign was posted as we have come to expect them everywhere now.

While waiting to order, Helene asked the waitress if she liked her job. The answer was "yes - definitely - I have been here 2 years now". She emphasized that the owners were "good" people to work for. It turns out that she was working part-time as she was in University striving for a Metallurgy degree.

With so much to choose from we had some trouble deciding what we wanted. When we gave our order we were asked if we wanted regular or curly fries. Of course, we wanted to try the curly fries.

Finally we ordered and sat at our table. The girls particularly liked the curly fries and had fun comparing curls and lengths.

The washrooms were not quite as clean as we had expected and of course the girls were still sore afraid of taking any photos there. I tried to convince them that they could, but they were still hurting from the Apollo. Funny how a little thing like that can affect a person.

The food was good and the portions ample. I could not even finish my large beef sandwich. A decent meal at a decent price. $31.37 for the four of us.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Apollo Restaurant

Thursday January 31, 2008, we set out for the Ali-Baba Cafe but when we arrived, we saw a sign on the door stating that it would be closed until February 20th.

We then headed for the next on our list which was Apollo restaurant on The Kingsway.

This restaurant has been in Sudbury for many years and is noted for its Greek specialties.

Not having the opportunity to make reservations, we approached the restaurant on a cold and sunny, late afternoon. We were met at the door by our Maitre d who politely showed us to our table.

She (maitr d) suggested an appetizer called Saganaki "OPA" which we thought would be interesting to try.

Our waiter (David) flamed the ouza over the cheeze which blazed up with a bright orange flame. It was a short but beautiful show.

We all enjoyed the hot cheeze but our youngest diner thought it was great - no doubt because of the impressive presentation.

The meal was tasty and our portions were adequate although the shrimp dish seemed a bit on the small side.

Unfortunately I had ordered the chicken and spaghetti with thoughts of this dish from the Caruso Club. I should have known better since this was, after all, a Greek restaurant. The spaghetti was not to my liking and at twice the price of the Caruso Club's fine dish, I was sorely disappointed.

The total bill was $113.45 for 3 adults and one child with no alcohol.

Restaurant decor was muted with very dark colours on the walls and ceiling leading to an overall somber or cozy setting depending on your mood. Our waiter too, although professional, was very serious - lacking the personality of our waitress at Anke and Tony's.

Their discription of the restroom was that it was somewhat small for the size of the restaurant (two stalls) but ok. Sorry - no pictures allowed.

Perhaps that explains the spelling of the name Apollo - two "L"s for the two stalls but only one "P" for the number of times you are allowed to go - jk

Somewhat expensive but good food.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Anke & Tony's Seafood Restaurant

UPDATE: May 15, 2009

We returned to this restaurant which seemed to be much as it was during our first visit - however Tony and Anke were not in sight. Perhaps it has been sold to new owners

Original review follows:
Our restaurant this week was Anke & Tony's Seafood Restaurant.

We arrived on a very cold night at Anke and Tony's. Anke was busy in the kitchen and we were one of the earlier arrivals.

Our waitress was very friendly, recommending different dishes to us. It was a pleasure to be served by a waitress with such a happy temperament.

She obviously enjoyed working at the restaurant and this pleasure showed in her beaming personality.

The decor was more like entering a private maritime museum, rather than a family restaurant.

Anke and Tony's many years in the business certainly showed in the artifacts and pictures found on the walls and the ceiling of the building. Some of the more striking items were full-sized canoes overhead, an old-fashioned Diving Suit mask, several mounted fish and even one Puffer-Fish hanging from a fishing rod as if just caught.

The choice of meals was overwhelming, causing us some trouble in deciding what to order.

We finally chose our items and placed our order which we received in due time. The portions were overly large and the food delicious.

Personally I had ordered 2 peices of Halibut and fries but received four ample peices of fish. Two of these I took out after our meal for a second meal the next day.

The girls, as usual, also checked out the ladies washroom.

With our bellies full, we left the warm restaurant behind for a short and cold walk to the car.

The total cost for four people (no alcohol) was $92.83 before tip